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Frater 515 (Chief Editor)
O.T.O. UK Grand Lodge, London, 2013. Paperback. 168 pages. Large format, printed in full colour. As New/Fine.
“Combining high production values, original artwork, thought-provoking essays and innovative rituals, AMeTh Lodge Journal constitutes a welcome addition to the range of esoteric publications produced by actual practitioners of magick.”
Contents: Editor’s Introduction by Frater 515, “Aleister Crowley and the Ragged Ragtime Girls” by Geraldine Beskin, “An Initiation Before the Days of Health and Safety” by Soror Dwale, “The Play of Malphas” by Frater Vaoanu, “Pyramid of the Sphinx” by Frater Spiritus, “Wednesday Night Magic Group: An Account of Scrying the Tree of Life” by Frater Wahdaniah; “Seeking a Key to the Kingdom of Shades: Introduction to The Rite of Hekate” by Frater 515, “The Rite of Hekate” by Frater 515, “Oriental Grotesques” (a study of the figure of Lam) by Gary Dickinson; An Interview with Lon Milo DuQuette, by Heraclitus and Mercurius; “All the excrement and filth of earth and hell” – an Essay on Mediumship, by Shaun Johnson, “There is help & hope in other spells” (“a Thelemic Witchcraft Ritual”) by Frater Dharmakaya; “Notes from the Pentagon or Bull’s-eyeing Womp Rats” by Frater Sotto Voce,; “Amongst the Stars: A Thelemic Approach to Astrology” by Soror I; “The Temple – a Parable,” by Frater Lamogue.