Diabolical – Peter Grey (Scarlet Imprint)


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Those of us who do this work, regardless of whether we trespass amongst the angels or daemons, are often slandered as diabolical. Our books are also regarded as diabolical, being incomprehensible, demonic and without spiritual or practical value.

We throw this back at our accusers by demonstrating that these books are more complex than black and white theology allows, and as repositories of forbidden knowledge are worth their weight in gold.

We are upholding our side of the pact and continuing to produce the most groundbreaking and relevant titles of the modern occult revival. To this end, Scarlet Imprint have convened an international cabal of writers and artists from England, Poland, Holland, Sweden, Spain, Brazil, Canada and America.

Writers for this project are:

Jake Stratton-Kent
Erik de Pauw
Aaron Leitch
Paul Hughes-Barlow
Mark Smith
Stafford Stone
Thomas Karlsson
Johnny Jakobsson
The anonymous author of Pharaoan
Humberto Maggi
John J Coughlin
Krzysztof Azarewicz
Donald Tyson
Kyle Fite