Evoking Eternity. Forbidden Rites of Evocation – E.A Koetting (Ixaxaar)


Some minor wear to the cloth.



The final volume of a trilogy by Koetting, which also includes “Works of Darkness” and “Baneful Magick”. Offers the reader the elementary principles by which evocation operates, instructions for the necessary preparation of the Operator to call forth and communicate face-to-face with any entity in existence, and the information and guidance that is needed to open the gateways between the worlds and facilitate the materialization of the spirits. Contents include: Elementary Principles of Evocation; The Summoned; Preparatory Works; The Vision and the Voice; Basic Evocation; Emissaries of Ascent; Multiple Evocators; Multiple Evocations; Evoking Legions; Evoking Without Bounds; and Summoning God